Local hero's rallying cry for Cancer Support Group Mallorca

Call for a final "dig deep" for Cancer Support Mallorca funds.


Philip James Baber, co-founder and creative director at the Palma and Galle-based Stick No Bills Posters, is just days away from completing a monster charity fundraising swim and is still short of his target of 7,000 euros, although when he completes his swim on 29 November that does not mean that donations to help the Cancer Support Group Mallorca will not be well received; all and any financial aid is very much needed by the charity.

As a very brave way of showing his gratitude to the group, leading travel poster designer Philip decided to swim 555km, the equivalent of swimming round every cliff and bay of Mallorca’s jagged coastline, to raise funds with which the Macmillan-style support group can continue to play the same vital role it played for Philip last year, for others in the community here over the months and years ahead.

Last May, Philip, who has always kept in good shape by playing all manner of sports, surfing foremost amongst them, was diagnosed out of the blue with grade 4 cancer that had metastasised throughout his skeleton. The verification of his condition came as a shock as he had had virtually no prior symptoms before he fell very ill at his youngest daughter’s 7th birthday party at the village school.

Combating Covid is paramount right now, but while the pandemic is changing all our lives and all our priorities, we must not let efforts to quell the virus undermine pre-existing, equally crucial efforts to overcome other threats to our wellbeing.

Just over half-way through the swim, most of which has taken place in his swimming pool in his garden, he told the Bulletin: “Cancer, in all the myriad forms by which it can manifest, is perhaps most deadly and far-reaching of all and therefore the most deserving of our ongoing focus.

“Here in Mallorca, the Cancer Support Group needs financial support more than ever to help local cancer patients get through their medical ordeal. Meanwhile, there are many in our community who are where I was just eighteen months ago. They need the Cancer Support Group’s help, so please “dig deep” and donate. Your contribution, no matter how small, will make an impact.”

Philip is now just days away from the finish line but needs one final financial push to be able to leap into the open sea on his eldest daughter Farrah’s 11th birthday, Sunday November 29 to celebrate his and his family’s life.

On that final day, come rain or shine, wife Meg, Farrah and youngest daughter Alexa will plunge in to the Mediterranean on the island’s east coast to join him for the last stretch, from Colonia San Pere to Son Serra de Marina.

So help give him and Cancer Support Group Mallorca one final push.