Spain allows non-essential travel by non-EU nationals

Possession of a Covid recovery certificate required as alternative to Covid passport

Further easing of travel restrictions | Majorca Daily Bulletin reporter


The Spanish government will allow non-essential travel from third countries to the European Union for people who are in possession of a Covid-19 recovery certificate, as published today in the Official State Gazette (BOE).

The Interior Ministry order modifies a previous one that established the criteria for the application of a temporary restriction on non-essential travel from third countries of the EU and associated Schengen countries due to the health crisis.

According to the new wording, travel will be allowed for persons with a certificate ofrecovery or vaccination recognised for this purpose by the Ministry of Health, subject to verification by the health authorities.

In addition, the amendment states that persons aged 12 years and over and under 18 years who do not have a valid vaccination schedule must present a negative SARS-CoV-2 NAAT molecular nucleic acid amplification test (RT-PCR or similar) performed 72 hours prior to arrival. The order is effective until 00.000 hours on 31 March 2022.