Regional governments call for an end to the war in Ukraine

Palma call for maximum solidarity for refugees

Spain's regional governments met in Palma today. | Majorca Daily Bulletin reporter


The Spanish autonomous parliaments today condemned the military invasion of Ukraine by Russia, defended the sovereignty and integrity of Ukraine and asked the European population to show "the greatest amount of solidarity possible" to Ukrainian refugees.

In this declaration approved unanimously in Palma, the Conference of Presidents of Autonomous Parliaments (COPREPA 2022) considers Russia's military actions against Ukraine to be "unacceptable" and has demanded an end to them and the withdrawal of Russian troops from Ukrainian soil.

COPREPA has publicly expressed its unanimous support for the European Union (EU) and the United Nations (UN) to restore diplomatic channels, uphold international law and protect the civilian population.

The regional government will continue their role of defending democratic values and rights, such as equality, freedom, justice and solidarity.

"It is precisely because of these values that we must speak out against the attacks by Vladimir Putin's government on the sovereignty and integrity of Ukraine," the resolution states.

The regional governments also called on the EU and member states to provide a "joint, effective and permanent response to the problem of managing" Ukrainian refugees and asylum in the EU.

The Speaker of the Balearic Parliament, Vicenç Thomàs, was in charge of reading the declaration after unanimously assuming the presidency of COPREPA today, and stated that legislative assemblies must play a "significant role" in resolving citizens' problems and defending democratic values and rights.

On the influx of refugees that Europe is experiencing due to this humanitarian crisis, Vicenç called for respect for the human rights of people fleeing war and asked that European countries and citizens be capable of adapting to their needs, so that their reception is as quick and comfortable as possible.