Masking the masks in Mallorca

Masks remain indoors in Mallorca

No lifting of masks indoors just yet. | Majorca Daily Bulletin reporter - - EFE


The Spanish government will still not come clean on when it will lift the need to wear a mask indoors.

The Minister of Health, Carolina Darias, in relation to the possible date for the compulsory removal of masks indoors, stated today that "there is one day less". She did not reveal when the government is considering the withdrawal, and pointed out that the best time "will be when it is decided".

Darias said they will soon have the first report on the new surveillance model, "in which Spain is a pioneer. We continue to monitor Covid, but in a targeted way, aimed at the most vulnerable groups or those who work or live in vulnerable environments," she added.

The minister said that "we will continue to measure Covid, but it is true that Spain has a very high vaccination rate". In this regard, she indicated that 92.5% of people aged over 12 years are fully vaccinated - that is 39 million people.

According to Darias, Spain's figures in this respect "are very encouraging" and this is the assessment made by health ministers of other countries. However, she said that we must continue with the educational work of insisting on the importance of vaccines, which protect and save lives.