Balearic minister recommends continuing to wear masks in crowds

Experts calling for common sense

The Balearic Minister for Health. | Majorca Daily Bulletin reporter


The Balearic Minister for Health and Consumer Affairs, Patricia Gómez, has stressed that "it seems advisable" to continue wearing masks in crowds after 20 April, when the use of masks will no longer be compulsory indoors. At a press conference today, Gómez pointed out that when it comes to the wearing of masks "there is a part of self-responsibility and self-control" of the population.

The minister appealed for "prudence", despite the positive data regerading the evolution of the pandemic, and considered that over the last two years we have learnt how to use the masks. She also pointed out that the Royal Decree to be approved by the Council of Ministers, which regulates the use of masks, "specifies the situations in which they should be worn".

With regard to the current evolution of the pandemic in the Balearics, Gómez said that, at the moment, there are 94 Covid patients on hospital wards and 20 in intensive care, so the situation remains "stable".