Palma crackdown on illegal street traders

Fines handed out every day

Joana María Adrove speaking today. | Majorca Daily Bulletin reporter


Palma council issues an average of eight fines every day for unauthorised street vending on the streets of the municipality, according to data presented by the councillor for Citizen Safety, Joana María Adrover, at the plenary session for the month of April today.

Opposition parties Vox and Ciudadanos wants more measures taken to eradicate the activity of the 'manteros' in the municipality since, they claim, it harms the traders who pay their taxes and the image of the city.

The councillor for security highlighted the work of the local police and collaboration with other security forces to curb this illegal activity and highlighted that during the last year 2,243 reports were filed..

The full council unanimously accepted Vox's proposal, but the council rejected that of Ciudadanos, which among other things called for the eradication of the mafias that support the activity.