Nearly 400 extra police for the Balearics this summer

Mallorca summer security operation under way

Over 200 extra members of the Guardia Civil will be deployed to the Balearics. | Majorca Daily Bulletin reporter


The annual summer security operation is ready and a total of 45,028 members of the National Police and the Guardia Civil are being deployed to Spain's main tourist destinations such as the Balearics.

This summer, the Balearics will receive 162 extra National Police and 211 members of the Guardia Civil, the majority will be based in Mallorca from July 1 to the end of September.

The aim is to increase preventive vigilance on urban and interurban roads, in stations, ports, airports, hotels and on beaches as well as at large public events such as concerts and fiestas.

Operation Summer 2022 is complementary to the Safe Tourism Plan that the Secretary of State for Security will soon be launching across Spain to try to prevent national and foreign tourists from falling victims to crime during their holidays, as well as to provide them with assistance and advice to guarantee their safety.