Mallorca placed on level two forest fire alert

Public asked to be extremely careful over the course of this week

Extremely high risk of forest fires in Mallorca this week. | Sxenick


Civil Protection and Emergencies has called for extreme caution in view of the forecast of high temperatures that increase the risk of forest fires in many parts of Spain.

In a statement, Civil Protection warned that the heat that is gripping Spain poses a significant fire risk to Extremadura, areas of Andalusia, both Castillas, Galicia and from tomorrow Tuesday also to Aragon, La Rioja, Navarra, the Community of Madrid and the Canary Islands. In the Balearic Islands, the alert is yellow and affects Mallorca.

On Wednesday, some areas of Extremadura, Andalusia, both Castillas and the Canary Islands are expected to remain under an orange warning due to significant risk, according to Civil Protection.

For this reason, they advise people to respect the forest and avoid behaviour that could cause a forest fire, such as throwing cigarette butts, leaving rubbish or using machinery, as “negligence is the cause of most fires” and in the event that smoke columns are observed, they remind people to call 112 immediately.

With regard to the high temperatures forecast for the coming days, they recommend limiting exposure to the sun and avoiding prolonged physical activity in the central hours of the day, drinking plenty of water or liquids, protecting your head and taking special care of children, the elderly or people at risk.