Balearics on alert for meteotsunamis and forest fires

Sea surges can be expected over the next couple of days

Watch out for sudden sea surges in the Balearics over the coming days. | Majorca Daily Bulletin reporter


The State Meteorological Agency (Aemet) has activated the minimum yellow level for ‘rissagas’ meteotsunami in the Balearics until Wednesday.

Meteotsunamis are a coastal meteorological phenomenon that cause a very strong variation of the high tide caused by changes in atmospheric pressure.

In the rissagas, sea level fluctuations occur in ports, coves or bays and are caused by strong winds in the troposphere, warm air at low levels of the atmosphere and weak or moderate on the surface, and spark a sudden rise and fall of the sea level in a very short time (minutes or even seconds) which, when very intense, usually cause damage to shipping and flood port infrastructure.

The last great rissaga in the Balearics was in Ciutadella, Minorca. It was the most severe for 20 years, occurred on June 15, 2006, with oscillations of up to four metres that caused damage to numerous boats.

The Balearics are also on medium to high forest fire alert.
Record high minimum temperatures were recorded on Sunday night - 29ºC in Palma Porto Pi, 29.6ºC in Banyalbufar and 27.6ºC in Pollensa.