The Balearics is no longer on Covid alert

Experts claim we are near the end of the pandemic

Nurses in Mallorca celebrating the news. | Miguel Angel Cañellas


The pandemic is at a low ebb, not only according to the WHO, whose director general, Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, assured that the world “has never been so close to the end”, but it is also noticeable in many autonomous communities such as the Balearics which, since last Friday, has been at “alert level, without alert”.

The regional spokesman for infectious diseases, Javier Arranz said “this has never happened before”.
The expert explained that the Ministry of Health established up to four levels that could vary depending on different indicators such as incidence or occupancy in hospital wards or ICU.

And the evolution of the pandemic in the Balearics, which “for a long time have been at level two, then went to one”, was recently lowered to zero.

This does not mean that there are no cases, because the Covid, is here to stay, but it does mean that the circulation of the virus is now extremely mild.

According to the latest figures on Thursday, there are still 85 people admitted to hospital in the Balearics with Covid, nine of whom are in an ICU.

However, a distinction is now being made as to whether the virus is the cause of admission or whether someone is simply hospitalised for another reason and found to be positive.

We have to be happy, the situation is good and the return to school should not make us fear that nothing will change, but we must always be cautious,” he he said.

But Arranz warned that the main threat is the appearance of a new, more contagious and rapidly spreading variant, as has happened in the past, although to date none have been detected.
In previous waves, moreover, “there was a lack of immunity but now it is much more widespread,” adds the specialist.

The arrival of the cold weather could lead to an increase in the number of infections as we return to enclosed spaces that facilitate transmission but, in any case, it would be rare to see a new wave of Covid, although “it depends on what we understand as a wave, I find it difficult to see one like the previous ones”, he added.