President defends use of tourist tax for Balearic housing

President Armengol speaking in parliament on Tuesday. | Jaume Morey


In parliament on Tuesday, President Armengol, defended the allocation of tourist tax revenue to housing in the Balearics. "It is very good that the tourist helps," the president said, in response to questions from the Ciudadanos (Cs) spokesperson, Patricia Guasp.

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The leader of the Cs was critical of government "failures" in respect of housing, insisting that young people "need solutions and not broken aid". She proposed a battery of "urgent, sensible and reliable" measures, such as public-private collaboration, more social housing for rent and dedicating 60% of VPO government-protected housing to young people.

The president pointed out that by the end of the current administration there will be 1,300 more public housing units and that public housing stock has grown by 72 per cent.