Podemos call for 70,000 empty homes to be made available for housing

Esperança Sans speaking in parliament on Wednesday. | Pere Bota


On the second day of the Balearic parliament's general policy debate, the spokesperson for Podemos, Esperança Sans, called for the estimated 70,000 empty homes in the Balearics to be made available for housing.

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Sans reiterated a Podemos demand for a two-year residency requirement before being allowed to buy a home in the Balearics and also proposed that 350 empty homes that are currently in the possession of the so-called 'bad bank', Sareb, be donated as housing. (Sareb was formed by the Spanish government during the financial crisis and manages assets of failed banks.)

The Podemos spokesperson stressed the need for diversification of the economy and a reduction in the dependence on tourism. The type of tourist overcrowding experienced this summer needs to be addressed, she added, and she restated a Podemos demand for the tourist tax to be raised in high summer.