Balearics testing new mobile phone emergency alert system

Warning will be sent direct to people in potential danger zones

The general public will receive mobile alerts of pending emergencies. | Majorca Daily Bulletin reporter


Between October 24 and November 16, the Directorate General for Civil Protection will carry out tests in the Balearics of the new ‘ES-Alert’ system which will send warnings directly to people’s mobile phones of a possible emergency or catastrophe in the area in which they live.

During the test schedule, a test beep will sound on some mobile phones with a message announcing that it is a test and warning people that they do not have to do anything.
The test is intended to ensure that the systems are working properly.

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The ES-Alert technology, known as the reverse 112 system, is integrated into the National Alert Network and allows Civil Protection authorities to send widespread and immediate alert messages to mobile phones located in an area affected by an emergency or disaster.

The initiative is part of the measures included in the Plan for Connectivity and Digital Infrastructure and the Recovery, Transformation and Resilience Plan.

The system was deployed on June 21 as a result of collaboration between the Ministries of the Interior and of Economic Affairs and Digital Transformation and is financed by European recovery funds. The tests will begin on 24 October are gradually be rolled out across most of the country.