Face masks may remain on public transport in the Balearics until next year

Regulation may not be lifted until March

Face masks will remain on transport for a while for the moment. | Majorca Daily Bulletin reporter


Face masks will remain compulsory on public transport in the Balearics at least until after Christmas.

That is the wish of the experts who make up the Ponencia de Alertas, the group of Public Health doctors who guide the Ministry of Health on the measures to be taken regarding the covid-19 pandemic.

As Vozpópuli has exclusively reported, their latest decision is to maintain the mandatory use of face masks on transport despite social and political pressure.

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At that meeting there was an agreement that was not made public but was confirmed by the newspaper, and the decision has been taken to not review the withdrawal of masks until March 2023.

“It was agreed to maintain the current measures until March 2023, when the situation will be re-evaluated. This is the proposal that was submitted to the Public Health Commission,” explain those close to the Alerts Committee. The Ministry of Health, on the other hand, assures that “the Alerts Committee did not recommend removing the masks from transport, but did not set a definite date in its recommendation”.

This group of specialists, however, insists that it was agreed to maintain this preventive measure until March next year. Experts argue that “it is not the right time to remove the masks because of the onset of winter”. “We have gone into Germany mode,” said another member of the Panel at the time.