Nine arrested for a wave of violent robberies on the sea front in Palma

The National Police set up a security operation to prevent further assaults

The National Police have mounted a special operation. | Majorca Daily Bulletin reporter


The National Police have arrested nine people, including Algerians, Moroccans and a Swedish woman, all aged between 18 and 29, as well as two minors, accused of robbery with force inside vehicles, serious threats and robbery with violence.

The first arrests took place in the early hours of the morning of November 10 along Palma’s sea front. The officers saw a group of young men talking to each other, giving each other directions and loitering, looking inside vehicles and then separating.

The police officers were able to watch one of the detainees forcing the door of a car, while the other detainee kept a lookout.

When the officers identified themselves, they asked them to show their hands for security, and they could see that one of the suspects was holding a large knife with the blade hidden in the sleeve of his jacket.

The following events occurred in the early hours of Monday morning.
As in the previous case, the police officers spotted a group of young people acting suspiciously and then began to break into parked cars.

The last of the cases took place in the early hours of Tuesday in the same area.
On this occasion, the police officers saw the victims and the aggressors hitting each other.

After separating them, the thieves were arrested. The National Police have mounted an extensive police operation to try to curb the increase in violent robberies in and around the area which is a popular nightspot.

The presence of uniformed agents and investigation groups - in plain clothes - has been stepped up.