A wet and wild weekend for Mallorca

Weather alerts have been activated

It has already started raining in some parts of the Balearics today. | Majorca Daily Bulletin reporter


A yellow alert has been activated for tomorrow (Saturday) with rain forecast in some areas of the island.

This weekend, the weather in Mallorca is going to quite unstable, according to the State Meteorological Agency (Aemet) in the Balearics and the heavy rain could start to fall tonight.

On Saturday, skies will be overcast with isolated heavy showers, occasionally accompanied by thunderstorms and hail.

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Aemet has activated the yellow alert for rain and storms in the south, in the area of the Serra de Tramuntana, in the north and northeast.

It will also be much cooler with temperatures dropping significantly; in Palma over night temperatures will be 10º ( a fall of 6º) and daytime temperatures will be 17º (4º less). The wind will blow from the north and northwest with strong gusts.

On Sunday cloudy intervals are expected with the probability of occasional and scattered rain that could be accompanied by thunderstorms during the early morning.

Nighttime temperatures will experience few changes and daytime temperatures will rise slightly.