Balearic contingency plan for hospitals this winter

An emergency bed bank has been created

Balearic hospitals have a special winter plan in operation already. | Majorca Daily Bulletin reporter


The IB-Salut Balearic health service has said that it has the necessary emergency capacity in order to implement a contingency plan in the event of peaks in demand for care due to respiratory viruses this winter.

This situation happens every year, although this year it is expected to be more complicated because in addition to Covid and influenza, there is a third virus that affects more children, Respiratory syncytial virus, and infection is already on the rise.

In the event that the hospital Accident and Emergency Department collapses, the 061 service will refer patients from one centre to another in the event of saturation.

“061 will receive the information and decide where each patient will go,” explained the deputy director of Hospital Care, Francesc Albertí.