Police seize half a kilo of cocaine hidden in a Palma bar

Colombian arrested as part of festive police operation

Bar owner has a police record. | Local Police


The police are continuing with their crackdown on bars and clubs peddling drugs over the festive season and are enjoying great success.

Agents from Group II of the National Police Force’s Narcotics Group, in collaboration with the Palma Local Police, have arrested the manager of a bar in Palma accused of a drug trafficking offence.

A few days ago, investigators discovered a large number of people entering and leaving the bar in question. In addition, the attitude of the bar manager was suspicious - he was constantly watching the street.

The police witnessed one of the customers leaving the bar with a dose of cocaine and immediately ordered that the bar be closed with the clients inside.

The police then searched establishment and found two suspicious packages containing about half a kilogramme of cocaine.

The market value of the drug is more than 30,000 euros.
Fifty blister packs of medicines were also found.

In the course of the operation, the man who ran the premises was arrested on suspicion of a crime against public health.
He is a 55-year-old Colombian, accused of drug trafficking and with a police record.