Palma’s local police protest over working conditions

The unions have called a rally to demand the promised management plan

Palma Local Police want better working conditions. | Majorca Daily Bulletin reporter


The dissatisfaction of the local police force with Palma City Council, which it accuses of “deceit” by failing to fulfill its promise to draw up a work organisation plan, continues to grow, and the force’s unions have called a rally today at the gates of the San Fernando police station, inviting all off-duty officers to attend.

In a joint call by CCOO, UGT, CSIF and SPPME, local police officers will rally to demand the approval of the aforementioned management plan and also to call for a transfer competition in the body and for the corrective indexes to be applied “immediately” to the shifts of all the staff.

More than a month ago, the unions issued a harsh statement against the councillor responsible for policing, Joana Maria Adrover, and against the heads of the force for not carrying out the promised reorganisation of the service and accused them of “doing nothing during this legislature to improve our conditions”.

The origin of the conflict, they pointed out, is that Adrover had promised to approve a plan which, among other improvements, applied corrective coefficients to salaries, abolished the obligatory “day off waiver” , equal salaries and working hours for the staff.