Balearics face mask warning issued as they come off on February 7

Flu and Covid outbreaks expected

Face masks will remain on public transport for a while for the moment. | Majorca Daily Bulletin reporter


Spain's Minister of Health, Carolina Darias, announced today the end of face masks on public transport in Spain on 7 February.

According to the minister, the Council of Ministers will approve the elimination of the obligation, but will maintain it for the time being in health centres and pharmacies.

"We have a very stable epidemiological situation", Darias said outside an event with the Gasol Foundation.

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But, the Balearic Minister for Health and Consumer Affairs, Patricia Gómez, today warned that in view of the possible withdrawal of masks on public transport there is “a considerable incidence of flu” and that, although the Covid situation is “stable”, “some outbreaks” have been seen again.

“We must be alert”, Gómez said while calling for “caution” while it continues to be extremely cold and “to continue taking hygiene and protection measures”, and get vaccinated against both diseases.

The minister said that emergency services are “stable” and that there are beds available.
“There are no excess admissions and the ICUs are also stable,” she said.

But she did stress that flu cases are on the rise and further spike is expected next week because of the cold snap in the Balearics.