The Balearics has the second highest life expectancy in Europe

Islands have risen from being the eleventh in Spain to being the first in 2020

Live longer in the Balearics. | Marta Perez


The Balearics has risen from being the eleventh community in life expectancy in 2015 to the first in 2020, according to the latest ‘Life expectancy in Spain’ report from the Ministry of Health, which analyses the data from 2006 to 2020.

The Regional Ministry of Health and Consumer Affairs has reported that, according to the latest ‘Life expectancy in Spain’ report by the Ministry of Health, at birth, the inhabitants of the Balearics have the highest life expectancy in the country.

According to the same report, the region has risen from eleventh position in 2015 to first in 2020. Women born in the Balearics have seen their life expectancy rise to 86.29 years, while men to 81.37 years.
The average life expectancy of both genders is 83.8 years in the Balearics.

In Spain as a whole, life expectancy is 82.2 years - 85 years in the case of women and 79.5 years in the case of men.

According to Eurostat the inhabitants of the islands are the second longest-living in Europe, after Corsica, where its inhabitants live an average of 84 years.

The top four European regions in terms of life expectancy are completed by Epirus (in Greece), with 83.8 years, and Umbria (in Italy), with 83.7 years.