More people rent in the Balearics than anywhere else in Spain

23% renting in the Balearics. | MDB


On Wednesday, the National Statistics Institute (INE) published the 2021 survey of population and housing characteristics, the first such survey since 2011. This shows that 108,233 households in the Balearics were rented in 2021, 23% of the islands' total and the highest percentage in Spain; the national average was 15.5%.

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The INE's conclusion is that this is due to difficulties with accessing housing and the high prices of property. The percentage is slightly higher than it was ten years ago, when it stood at 22%.

The survey indicates that there were 462,345 main households in 2021 but doesn't identify how many empty homes there are in the Balearics or in other regions. Nor does it specify how many second homes there are.