Humpback whale sighted off the north coast of Mallorca

Dolphins and whales off Formentor and Pollensa

The whale spotted off Formentor near Pollensa. | Twitter


A humpback whale has been spotted off the coast of Formentor, Mallorca.
In the video posted by geographer Albert Ambrós, the animal can be seen swimming off the north coast of the island.

“From the movement it makes and the characteristics of the tail I don’t think it’s a fin whale, but rather a humpback whale. Could someone specialised help me?” he wrote on his Twitter account.

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Several people confirmed that it was a humpback. “The shape of the dorsal fin, the colour of the lower part of the caudal and the way it dives, sticking out its tail, give it away,” said environmentalist Álvaro Diaz.

This type of whale is not common in the Balearics; most of the specimens sighted are passing through in search of colder, deeper waters to find food, although there are also species native to this sea.

The world population of humpback whales is estimated at 80,000 individuals distributed as follows: 20,000 in the North Pacific, 12,000 in the North Atlantic and 50,000 in the Southern Hemisphere.