Summer police booze crackdown starts next week in Palma

Seasonal security operations getting under way

The Mayor of Palma José Hila met police chiefs today. | Palma Council


Palma Local Police’s summer security measures will begin next week to improve the safety of tourists and residents and to tackle antisocial behaviour.
The operation will begin next Monday and will run until 15 October.

Coinciding with this presentation, an information campaign has also been launched to combat excessive tourism, aimed at reminding shopkeepers in key areas of the current regulations of the Law on Excesses in relation to the sale of alcoholic beverages, which includes penalties of up to 600,000 euros for the most serious cases.

This year’s plan is based on the one developed last year, and includes, in addition to the operational reinforcement, a specific reinforcement of the Neighbourhood Police, the 092 room, the Night Unit and the Maravelles office in Playa de Palma.
In addition, this summer there will also be around thirty trainee officers from the last competitive examination.

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In general, the main functions of the operative agents will be to combat anything that involves an infringement of municipal ordinances and which is related to tourist activity.
The council highlighted some of the main problems being illegal massages, street vending, street drinking and pub crawls and noise pollution.
The penalties range from 100 euros for minor infractions to 3,000 euros for serious ones.

In addition, the Orucep also regulates the sanctions affecting the Special Intervention Zones (ZIE) in the Coastal District. This affects the whole of the beachfront and sanctions as very serious conduct such as the carrying out of botellón (mass street parties) or the gathering of unauthorised persons.

It also regulates penalties for Zones of Special Tourist Interest (ZEIT), which has four lines of action. These are to act against the consumption of alcohol on Paseo Marítimo, in the centre and along the Playa de Palma; to act against dynamic advertising; to preserve order in the ‘biergardens’ (beer gardens) area, and to act against crowds and incivility when leaving leisure establishments.
For this summer, protection against crowds and incivism has been extended in different sections, from two to seven.

The City Council also pointed out that the ZEIT regulations establish fines of up to 3,000 euros for very serious infringements. Minor infringements are between 100 and 750 euros; serious infringements are between 750.01 and 1,500 euros, and very serious infringements are between 1,500.1 and 3,000 euros.
The Law on Excesses for the improvement of the quality of tourist areas also provides for penalties ranging from 6,001 euros to 600,000 euros.