Doctor brutally attacked in Mallorca

Suspect patient fled the scene

Local Police were quickly on the scene. | Majorca Daily Bulletin reporter


A doctor at the Martí Serra Health Centre in Marratxi suffered a “brutal aggression” on Friday, when he was “savagely beaten” by an individual in the medical centre, according to the Medical Association (Comib) in a press release.

The attacked doctor’s colleagues were first on the scene and called Marratxi local police who responded immediately but by the time they arrived the alleged assailant had fled.

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The doctor has been treated, although his condition is unknown for the moment, and the alleged attacker faces a charge of assault and battery.

Comib, through the institution’s Aggression Observatory, has announced that it will offer the doctor legal and emotional support, as it always does when doctors are attacked.

In addition, Comib will appear as a private prosecutor before the courts.
“Aggression against a medical professional breaks the trust necessary to guarantee adequate health care. For this reason, the College of Doctors calls for zero tolerance towards this type of violent behaviour,” it said.