Mallorca terrorist attack investigation plea

Two Guardia Civil were killed in ETA’s last fatal bombing in Palmanova

Two members of the Guardia Civil were killed in the Palmanova bombing. | Majorca Daily Bulletin reporter


Antonio Salvá, the father of one of the two members of the Guardia Civil killed by the terrorist group ETA in the Mallorcan holiday resort of Palmanova, has asked the National Court to continue investigating the attack as it has not yet been possible to “complete the clarification” of the facts.

In a letter addressed to the Central Court of Instruction No. 4, and reported by Europa Press, the lawyer Miguel Ángel Rodríguez Arias has asked the judge José Luis Calama to agree to extend the investigation for at least six more months, recalling that there are still “important aspects to be clarified”.

Salvá’s representation states that “it is still clear that there is evidence that is apparently still pending”. His lawyer maintains that “it must be safeguarded that it is still fully possible” for the victim’s father “to be able to request, and to be able to carry out, within the current investigation period, other new and successive evidential practices that could legitimately arise from the result” of the aforementioned report.

All of this, he adds, for the “complete clarification of very serious criminal acts” and for the “criminal prosecution of absolutely all those allegedly responsible until the last one of them”.

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The attack on July 30, 2009 in Palmanova, Calviá was the last fatal attack committed by the terrorist group in Spain.

In September 2022, the Guardia Civil issued a report in which it indicated coincidences in the manufacture, handling and logistical aspects between the explosive material found in 2009 in a series of ETA dumps found in six French towns and in the aforementioned attack in Mallorca.

The report, to which Europa Press had access, analysed all the documentation sent by the French authorities on the material found in the dumps discovered in Cabrerolles, Camplong, Generalite, Minerve, Vieussan and Ferrals les Montagnes with the ultimate aim of “trying to determine the identity of ETA militants who could be related to the terrorist actions committed in the Balearic Islands in July and August 2009”.