Mallorca estate agents attacked by Marxist group
Business fronts sprayed with graffiti in Palma
One of the estate agents sprayed with graffiti. | Majorca Daily Bulletin reporter
Palma19/07/2023 10:33
Just days after an Extinction Rebellion splinter group sprayed a super yacht, a private jet and a Lamborghini with graffiti in Ibiza, as well as storming a beach club, the Marxist group Arran targeted a series of estate agents in the centre of Palma on Tuesday night.
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Richard PearsonOk I'll bite. So, let's look at the reality of your arguments. First, you characterise whatever it is that you're angry about as a "boxing match", or in other words, a " fight", or "war". So, what are you fighting about and with whom? The "left"? " Them"? Those "other guys"? You are aware that just as not all conservatives are "extremists", neither are all of those on the "left". In fact, it's only the extremist fringes on both sides that are "dangerous". And both fringes behave in very similar ways. Seriously, look at it objectively. In fact, if you wanted to engage in a comparison, I think you'd find that currently, it's consistently the right that's engaging in the most extremism. Trump, Farage, AFD, VOX... And look at your own narratives for example. Return of Franco? I think most rational minds would find that rather extreme. Ironically, you defend it in the name of "freedom of speech", which would be about the first thing to go under such autocratic rule. Look at Russia for example. You can be killed for publicly opposing Putin. And while we all know that you and a few others have been saying (wishing) how bad everything is, there's been very little reality that supports that theory. Sure, there's problems, but there always are. Being British however, suggests that the condition of Britain may be your only frame of reference, so you could be forgiven for presuming that Britain's plight (what you're angry about?) is the state of the entire world, since it's apparently the only world you know. But Britain's political, economic and loss of being "taken seriously" around the world can hardly be blamed on "them". Look who's been at the helm all along; It's not "them". And Britain does not constitute the "west" or the "rest of the world". Pigeons shit on statues. They always have and always will. You won't change that by engaging in a phony war with them. Life and politics are imperfect. You just have to take the bad with the good. As long as we stay within reasonable moderation, and act on real, measurable threats rather than imaginary ones, things will always work out. But most importantly, being able to recognise and differentiate the bad from the good, regardless of which tribe was responsible (or what you *want* to believe) will keep you clear in the head and free you from dependence, rather than just becoming another "useful idiot" to either side of the political spectrum. Fact is, things don't suck as bad as you'd hoped, and therefore, you really don't have all that much to be angry about, but believe me, things *could* be a lot worse - especially if we move further into the extreme that you (ironically) seem to champion. True, these morons who trashed a bank, the idiots trashing yachts and planes... That's extreme, and downright stupid. But it will get them nowhere. That's NOT how you win a "fight". It will only turn everybody against them, and not get them the results they're hoping for. And that explains why extremism never ends well. Regardless of what you want to believe. My father always used to say "be careful what you know *for sure*". I'd suggest you consider that bit of wisdom too.
Jeremy Ponsenby-SmytheTo honor the late actress and singer’s memory, I would bring along my Birkin.
Don’t worry, I can definitely see reality. It is staring me in the face. And by the looks of it, European voters, Spanish ones included, are slowly waking up and seeing it as well. You can’t win a boxing match without a) sacrifice and training and b) an overwhelming desire to win. Both are lacking in our current society, due to hindrance from the left and being frowned upon by the undecided in the middle. In the meantime, the Brits main preoccupation seems to be whether their holiday flight will be delayed and will it be too hot once they get there. And then we wonder why the West is no longer being taken seriously.
I'd pay to watch a fight between Williams and Pearson. I don't know who would win, but there might be some damaged handbags!
Richard PearsonYou know, I really don't care what side of the political spectrum you subscribe to. I'm more of a "moderates" vs. "extremists" kind of thinker. Extremists tend to ignore reality in favour of whatever they want to believe, which is a really poor way of governing. The extreme left is every bit as bad as the extreme right, as evidenced by these extremists and the extremists on the right. You consistently exhibit the same kind of extremism as this lot, so sorry, I can't take you seriously. You're just as bad as the lot you want to believe is the enemy, yet your biggest enemy is yourself.
James WalkerThey have suddenly come out of the woodwork now that the socialists are no longer in power.
Morgan Williams“Good old days?” It so happens that quite a few Communist Dictators are in power TODAY, let alone 50 or 100 years ago. Should I detail which ones or will you do your own research, something that you usually recommend that others do ?
Richard PearsonAhh yes, the "good old days" when the world was run by monarchies and dictators. No commies then. Or foreigners. No siree. Now the place is full of 'em.
I tell them what condemns the working class to misery. Communist Marxism. Silly little idiots have know idea what it would be like to live under Marxist communism.
One day, people will start wishing someone like Franco was back in power. Even Sara.