British couple victims of “Rock attack” in Mallorca

Incident took place in cove in Llucalcari

The rock which was apparently thrown at the British couple. | Caroline Griffiths


A British couple fear they were the victims of a “rock attack” while sunbathing in a small cove in Llucalcari, Deya.

In a letter to the Bulletin, they state:
“Dear Majorca Daily Bulletin
I just wanted to share the story that happened to me yesterday (Saturday).
I have shared it with the tourist board, and will call the police in Deia tomorrow, but I think it’s important the police and tourists know there is a risk to visiting the out of the way coves.

Dear Mallorca tourist boardI’m not sure if this is the correct address for the official tourist board of Mallorca.

I wanted to let you know about a terrifying experience I had today at the Cove of Llucacari. My husband and I arrived and swam in the bay. Whilst drying off on a rock in our swimsuits (we are not nudists, we just like peace) I was sitting up, I felt a large whack on the side of my head, my arm and leg stung moments afterwards. My husband sat up and saw a large rock roll away from us. We could only assumed it had been thrown, catapulted from above. We were quite a considerable distance from the cliff above, a random falling rock would not have hit me.

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I’ve attached a photo of the bay and the rock, I reported it to the local police in Fornalutx who sent me the details to report it to Deià police.

It’s not a complaint, I still love Mallorca but I think the local people who want to keep their bays private and just for them should maybe respect the tourists as they would be respected if they visited my country.

My injuries were minor, a bruised head, maybe a very small concussion but that could have been shock, a bruised arm and leg. If it had struck a nose, eye or jaw it could have been a lot worse, or if the rock hadn’t glided off my head to my arm and had a direct impact I honestly think the size and force of the throw could have killed me.

Best wishes
Caroline Griffiths