Surge in small boats in the Balearics: 154 migrants rescued since Saturday

Ten vessels intercepted over the weekend

The Civil Guard and Maritime Rescue were involved in the operations. | Majorca Daily Bulletin reporter


A small boat carrying 17 people of North African origin and in apparent good health, was intercepted over night south of the island of Cabrera, taking the total number of migrants rescued since Saturday in the Balearics to 154.
According to the Government Delegation in the Balearics, the latest rescue took place at 04:25 on Monday.

Between Saturday and Sunday a total of nine boats were intercepted in Balearic waters - eight on Saturday and one on Sunday - with 137 people on board, in addition to the 17 from the latest rescue by the are sea rescue service. The first boat was located at 05.20 on Saturday. A total of 20 people, of North African and sub-Saharan origin, were rescued at sea to the south of Cabrera.
Another 17 people, of North African origin, were intercepted at sea, south of Cabrera, at 07:18 on the same day.

In both cases, the rescue operation involved the Provincial Maritime Service of the Civil Guard and Maritime Rescue. These two boats are in addition to a third with another five people, of North African origin, on board, which was intercepted at 09.18 hours, on land, between Cabo de Ses Salines and Platja des Caragol, in Mallorca. All of them were rescued in apparent good health.
Shortly afterwards, at 09:30 a.m., a fourth boat was located with 20 people, of sub-Saharan origin, in apparent good health, also between Cabo de Ses Salines and Platja des Caragol.
CUCO, Civil Guard patrols, the Maritime Service and Maritime Rescue intervened in these last two cases.

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Next, at 12:32 a.m., 28 people of sub-Saharan origin were rescued at sea, in front of the Cala Figuera lighthouse. Maritime Rescue of the Guardia Civil took part in this operation.
Later, at 13:00 hours, 11 people of North African origin were intercepted by the Ibiza Local Police in apparent good health in Cala Sa Punta.
Another seven people, of North African origin, were also rescued after arriving by a small boat in Formentera.

At around 12:15 pm on Saturday, five of them were located on the PM-820 km 8 road. Subsequently, at 3:32 pm, two other people were intercepted in the Port of Formentera.
Later at 20:56 on Saturday, 16 people of North African and sub-Saharan origin were rescued in apparent good health on land in Cabrera.

In the early hours of Sunday morning, at around 03:35 hours, 13 people of North African origin were rescued in good condition on land, in Plaza Constitución in Colònia de Sant Jordi. In this case, Guardia Civil and Maritime Service patrols intervened.
All will now be processed by the immigration authorities and those aged over 18 will he held in holding camps until they are deported.
Any minors will be handed over the social services.