Are UK council workers pulling a fast one working remotely from Mallorca?

Questions being asked in the UK

UK council staff are working from Mallorca. | Majorca Daily Bulletin reporter


It has been revealed that hundreds of British town hall staff have been given green light to work from abroad, including Spain and Mallorca. But do they comply with the Nomad Visa requirements.

The three Spanish requisites are: You work for a company that allows you to work remotely from Spain (as an employee). You are freelancers with clients abroad. You earn your income from different online sources outside Spain.

Are councils considered private companies? That is the question and if those working in Mallorca, for example, are employed by a council they cannot be considered freelancers, although they could fiddle working from different online sources outside of Spain.

However, it has not gone down well with British taxpayers. According to reports in the UK, council leaders in the UK approved over 1,358 requests for remote work from abroad, and the number of approvals has grown tenfold each year, as shown by an an analysis done by TaxPayers’ Alliance.

The free-market advocacy group sent freedom of information requests to all 383 councils in the UK. Out of these, 320 responded and 69 confirmed they had granted one or more staff members permission to work from overseas. The number of approved requests increased from 73 in 2020-21 to 440 in the following year, and further increased to 708 in 2022-23.

Barnet Council in North London topped the list by granting the highest number of requests to work from abroad, with a total of 286 approvals over three years.

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The main requirements to obtain a Nomad Visa if you are not a member of the European Union are:
Prove that of the total income, the part coming from Spain does not represent more than 20%

You must have a continuous employment relationship of at least three months with the company for which you are working remotely. This company must also certify that this worker is allowed to work online

This company or companies with which the digital nomad has a relationship must have been operating in the market for at least 1 year

You must have graduated from a prestigious university or business school, or demonstrate a previous working experience of at least 3 years

Hire private health insurance with full coverage

Demonstrate the possession of sufficient economic funds (€25,000) via salary or bank statement.
Nice work if you can get it or fiddle it.