Mallorca bodies identified as those of missing father and son

The two got caught in a storm sailing from Minorca

The search lasted weeks hampered by bad weather. | SALVAMENTO MARÍTIMO


The Guardia Civil has confirmed that the bodies found off the coast of Mallorca on September 4 and 5 were the two German crew members of the sailing boat that disappeared in the Minorca channel on August 27.

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The Guardia Civil explained that with the cooperation of the German police authorities, the Biology Department of the Criminalistics Service of the Guardia Civil, based in Madrid, has identified the bodies by analysing the genetic profiles of the remains found, which match those sent by the German authorities and correspond to those who disappeared on August 27, two German citizens, father and son, who were sailing on the sailing boat ‘Makan Angin’ from Cala Galdana in Minorca to Cala d’Or in Mallorca.

The 50-year-old father and his 19-year-old son were caught by a storm in the middle of the crossing and they appear to have lost track.