Elephant tramples Mallorcan woman's face

Woman claims resort staff put her in danger and ignored her


A Mallorcan woman was injured after being trampled by an elephant on safari in Kenya. "It gave me the beating of my life," says tik toker @ely_traveler with injuries to her face. Ely Fernández, who is a veterinarian, explains in a video on the social network the terrifying experience she had last month at the Elatia Mara Camp. The woman, who was on honeymoon with her husband, was about to start breakfast when one of the hotel workers approached them and told them that there were animals in the car park.

The woman saw three elephants, two large and one small, and one of the hotel staff told her to follow him up a hill to get a closer look at the animals. "As soon as I went up the hill I saw the family of elephants and one of them automatically came running towards us. The ranger grabbed me and started shouting 'run, run'".

It was rough terrain and the woman fell. "The other guy kept running and I stayed in front of the elephant. The only thing I could think of was to stay on the ground, curl up into a ball and say, 'For God's sake don't smash my head in. He's given me the beating of my life. A kick on one side and a kick on the other."

Ely played dead until her guide and a companion picked her up off the ground to accompany her to the doctor, who gave her medication. "I'm all bruised up. My chest hurts, my left kidney... I have bumps and bruises all over," she says. "I was lucky... it was a miracle. The woman explains that she did everything the resort worker told her to do.

The staff of the establishment offered them a wine as they left for the plane in compensation for the nightmare they had experienced. "I'm amazed because with the tons that animal weighs, I don't know why I don't have anything broken".