Etiqueta 'Mallorca residents'


Rest in Peace, Angela Ross

Remembered fondly by all who knew her, many of you will have spotted Angela’s sad passing at 71 noted in the British press.

Laura Stadler03/06/2024 10:52

Latest headlines

Elephant tramples Mallorcan woman's face

Ely played dead until her guide and a companion picked her up off the ground to accompany her to the doctor.

MDB Digital03/10/2023 15:32

Fly tipping in Mallorca

Fly tipping in Mallorca

Concerns of fly tipping in Mallorca.

Barbara 24/02/2023

Fly tipping in Mallorca


Fly tipping in Mallorca

Some of our readers have sent Letters to the Editor this week with concerns about Fly Tipping in Santa Ponsa and the state of some apartments in Alcudia.

Majorca Daily Bulletin reporter24/02/2023 15:03

Dan Wise


Mallorca resident completes the World’s Toughest Row!

Ian and Dan rowed non stop from La Gomera in the Canaries in aid of The Pink Ribbon Foundation which works to support people.

Vicki McLeod24/02/2023 13:08