German police investigate right-wing music cell in Mallorca

Searches are being carried out on the island and across Europe

German Interior Minister Nancy Faeser, who has recently been on holiday in Mallorca, | MICHELE TANTUSSI


German police have been searching several properties since this morning on suspicion of producing music with punishable content linked to the far-right, and say they are investigating another in Mallorca.

The central police station in Oldenburg (north-west) reported that, under the instruction of the public prosecutor’s office in Celle, it has been conducting an investigation for several months on suspicion of criminal association in connection with the national and international production and distribution of “criminally relevant music”.

Behind this alleged criminal association are individuals who, according to the police, “can for the most part be linked to the right-wing extremist scene”.

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The information available at the moment indicates that the searches took place in the federal states of Lower Saxony, Hamburg, Berlin, Thuringia, Rhineland-Palatinate and Baden-Württemberg, as well as in Mallorca.

New law
A law under consideration by the German parliament would mean that people who have committed anti-Semitic acts can never be granted citizenship, German Interior Minister Nancy Faeser, who has recently been on holiday in Mallorca, said today.

“Our draft for the new citizenship law, which we will now discuss in the Bundestag, provides a clear exclusion of anti-Semites,” Faeser said in a statement issued after she met with Israeli ambassador to Germany, Ron Prosor.

She added that German authorities were “extremely vigilant” with regards to supporters of the Palestinian Islamist group Hamas in Germany, saying that any such person would be “prosecuted with the full force of the law.”