English please if you want to get a job in Mallorca

19% of job offers in the Balearics require languages

Speaking English will boost employment prospects. | Majorca Daily Bulletin reporter


The Balearics is the autonomous community where a higher proportion of existing job offers require knowledge of languages, with 18.6%, according to a report by employment agency Adecco.

The demand for languages was included in 16.8% of the job offers published in 2022, more than seven and a half points above 2021, but 17 points below the figure recorded in prepandemia (2019).

The XXVI “Informe Infoempleo Adecco: Oferta y Demanda de Empleo en España”, published today, shows that English continues to be the language most in demand by Spanish companies.

During the past year, 65.2% of the offers published required this language, but this percentage is almost 10 points lower than what this language represented in the offers of 2021, and 24 points less than what was required in 2019.

French remains stable in second position and is again the best figure for this language in the last eight years (17.8%). German is still in third place and there is also a large increase in the number of offers requesting it (16.9%, up nine points).

Behind these top three is Portuguese, which is present in 3% (1.7 points more) of vacancies; this language has regained one position over 2021 and is more than half a point ahead of Italian, which is required in 2.6% of vacancies in 2022 (1.3 points more).

Less common languages such as Chinese, Russian or Arabic were only required in 4.8% of offers.
The regions most linked to tourism and migration have been the most interested in hiring polyglots, as is the case of the Balearics, which repeats its position (18.6 % of its offers require languages), the Canary Islands (17.6 %) and Madrid (17.3 %).
Extremadura remains in fourth place (16.8 %) and has the highest demand for German, amounting to almost 34 %.

In fifth place comes Catalonia, with the highest percentage increase of the year, which has gone from being the region with the lowest demand for other languages to close the top 5 with 15.5 % of its vacancies requiring a language (8.72 points higher).
At the bottom of the list are Galicia, Aragon, Murcia, Cantabria and Navarre - between 12% and 10% of their vacancies.

Managerial and middle management positions are the categories where more candidates with several languages are required. Both exceed 90% of the offers to fill these positions.

The authors of the report have analysed 355,573 offers, conducted a quantitative and qualitative survey of companies and human resources professionals and a survey with open and closed questions that 3,992 people, both employed and unemployed, answered validly between 14 February and 7 April 2023.