Residents view Palma bars' reactivation with horror

The residents association has lodged many complaints about nightlife noise

Bar terraces have been closed for some 15 months. | Miquel À. Cañellas


On Saturday, seven bars on Palma's Paseo Marítimo will join forces in holding a party under the name La Milla (Mile) del Marítimo. It will start at 5pm and go on until the small hours; there will be music, entertainment, processions and gastronomy.

The residents association views this party with concern; it is a celebration of the reopening of terraces that have been closed because of the work being carried out on the Paseo.

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The president, Antonio Ruiz, says: "We view this party with horror. There is already a great deal of noise. It will now get worse. Nightlife venues have had problems because of the work and now they will try to attract people to the terraces. But having nightlife in a residential area is outrageous."

The association has lodged many complaints about nightlife noise and is critical of town hall "inaction". "We are totally helpless."

Manuel Jiménez, president of the Paseo's businesses association, points out that there have been losses of up to 60% because of the work. He insists that the relationship with the residents is "excellent". "We agree on many things, but with nightlife we do have differences." He adds: "Nightlife has always been there and the establishments comply with their licences and hours."