Spanish slammed as “horrendous drivers”

Bulletin readers not impressed by warning to British holiday drivers

Driving in Mallorca can be rather testing at times. | Majorca Daily Bulletin reporter


Bulletin readers have not reacted well to news that British holiday makers to Mallorca and the rest of Spain, in the wake of a new law passed in January, have been warned that they must indicate when taking on manoeuvres such as changing lanes, turning or exiting roundabouts, or face fines of £170 fine.

Commenting on the Bulletin website, readers have responded.
“The practice of staying in the nearside lane while going 270° or 360° around a roundabout in Spain is sheer lunacy, and invites being T-boned by a driver going straight on.
The Spanish are horrendous drivers. They spend more time looking at the passenger on their right during some heated discussion than they do looking at the road ahead.

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"In Menorca, not a day goes by without another report of a car being rolled over, on perfectly good roads, in perfectly good weather with perfect visibility.
It’s time that Spain sorted it’s own house out, in all imaginable areas, before looking to milk the people of money who keep their country viable”.

Another posted: “As a holiday home owner in Majorca, it drives me mad that no one uses their indicators at any time so this article mentioning tourists is a joke. The Spanish are truly dreadful drivers, very inconsiderate and never show any manners. But I’m afraid that also applies in general.”

And the comments do not stop there. One reader reacted by posting: “This is Hilarious. By far and away the biggest offenders are Spanish drivers. Most don’t indicate at all and some indicate left and then right on roundabouts when going straight on, which is insanely confusing and probably worse than not indicating at all. A few indicate after their manoeuvre too. The best way to mange all this is to treat every other road user as a moron and be duly extra cautious.”
Happy motoring this summer!