What a load of rubbish, say Arenal residents

The debris from the night before

An eysore in the Playa de Palma.


Once again this year, rubbish is starting to mount in the Playa de Palma (Arenal and Can Pastilla), just before the start of the high tourist season in Mallorca. Several residents of s'Arenal have expressed their disgust at what they have to live with on a daily basis. After the tourists have enjoyed a night of partying, rubbish has once again accumulated around the beach.

On this occasion, it was in front of Balneario 5, just where the Megapark disco is also located, where a large number of tourists usually gather Many of them usually drink or eat right in front of the entrance of the establishment, which causes a large amounts of rubbish that gives a poor image of the area.

This Tuesday morning, at around 7 a.m., several local residents were able to contemplate the sultry landscape left after another night of partying in Arenal. A situation that is likely to be repeated throughout the summer, when the tourist season is at its peak all over the island, especially in Playa de Palma.

The Palma city council has decided to tackle this drunken chaos that the area has been suffering for years. So, to eradicate these behaviors and promote responsible tourism in the Playa de Palma, the Palma council and the Council of Mallorca have carried out a campaign under the slogan 'Have fun with respect', which is aimed primarily at German tourists who enjoy their vacations in the municipality.

The Playa de Palma is especially popular with young German tourists but it is rapidly building a very bad reputation.