Etiqueta 'Arenal'
German tourists in Playa de Palma


Bad Boys!

It is Playa de Palma which has got the award for being the bad boy resort of the local tourist industry.

Jason Moore23/06/2023 09:36

Arenal in Mallorca

Arenal in Mallorca

Tourism helped to boost third-quarter employment

Europa Press 28/10/2021

Biel Barceló (centre) of the Arenal citizens group.

Town halls

Arenal residents repeating requests for town hall improvements

Residents in Arenal have been complaining for years; little seems to ever get done.

Majorca Daily Bulletin reporter15/02/2020 15:32

Police handing out fine for buying from an illegal seller.


First fine for buying from an illegal seller

Palma's revised public order bylaw established fines for buying from illegal sellers.

Majorca Daily Bulletin reporter04/06/2019 18:30