Guardia Civil reinforcements for the summer season in Magalluf

Drones will be used to control the resort as part of Operation High Impact Zulu Bravo

The extra Guardia Civil were presented this morning in Calvia. | Michels


The Guardia Civil this morning presented the reinforcements that will form part of the third consecutive year of Operation High Impact Zulu Bravo 2024 in Mallorca. The chief colonel of the Balearics, Alejandro Hernández Mosquera, stressed that this summer “the Guardia Civil are going to stay longer than in previous years until mid-October”.

Against the backdrop of the Foreign Citizen Service Office (SATE) of the Guardia Civil in Magalluf, the members of the Reserve and Security Group (GRS) who have been deployed from the mainland met with the Colonel, the Chief of the Calvia Company and the commanders of the units that will be part of support for the summer season. In order to carry out their work in the best way possible, they will be using drones.

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As in previous years, there will be a team of Judicial Police operating throughout the season to help the existing brigade respond to different crimes, but focusing, above all, on those of a sexual nature.
It was also announced that the Guardia Civil will hold awareness-raising sessions with the hotel sector in order to coordinate initial responses when crimes occur in which they are involved.

The event was also attended by the Government Delegate, Alfonso Rodríguez, and the Mayor of Calvia, Juan Antonio Amengual. Both were pleased with the presence of the reinforcements and welcomed them. And on Monday, consumer associations and citizen security bosses claimed that British police will be deployed to Calvia this year to help the security forces. In 2015, two British police officers spent two weeks assisting the Local Police in Magalluf and Sant Antoni, Ibiza as part of a trial run, but it was never repeated.

So far this season it has been relatively quiet in Magalluf with no major incidents to report. With the emphasis now on responsible family tourism after millions of euros of investment in upgrading hotels and the local environment, the council hopes that this will serve to encourage holidaymakers to behave themselves and enjoy the very best of Mallorca.