Alcudia budget passed despite claims of illegality

"You have not planned a single euro for works that you had announced"

Pedro Mas y Reus (archive photo) - No item for its development in the 2024 budget. | Andrew Ede


On Thursday, Alcudia town hall finally approved its 2024. There was strong criticism from opposition parties for the delay and also for what was claimed to be an illegal budget.

The administration (Partido Popular, Vox, Unió per Alcudia) has approved a budget of 43.5 million euros. It is the first budget since 2022's. This was rolled over into 2023 as there was no approval for the 2023 budget before the elections in May last year.

María Ramos of Unides Podem, stated that it was "an illegal budget" because personnel spending is to increase by 27.85%, when the maximum permitted is 7.64%. "This quadruples what is allowed by law and violates the budgetary stability law approved by the PP itself. It is the first time that an illegal budget has been presented by Alcudia town hall and with the negative report of the auditor for not respecting the spending laws."

Joan Gaspar Vallori of PSOE observed that the accounts exceed the spending rule by 4.5 million. In reference to the EMSA municipal services agency, he said that the numbers didn't add up. "They have raised the price of sunloungers when this summer there will be no beach bar services. They will not finish the works in time for the summer and therefore won't generate any income."

Vallori recognised the fault of the previous administration (PSOE-Més-El Pi) for not approving the 2023 budget. "But you have taken a year to present your own budget and we do not see a single major project. You have not planned a single euro for works that you had announced, such as the day centre, the residence for senior citizens, Avenida Pedro Mas y Reus or the boulevard on the Arta road."

Finance councillor, Juan González, insisted that the administration will not be accumulating money in banks as the socialists had. "Our political project is to take the budget surplus* out onto the street.” Among investments, he announced the purchase of land for the day centre, a sports area and an extension of the cemetery, as well as other investments to make land available in the future.

* This is currently said to be 120 million euros.