Etiqueta 'Budgets'
Avenida Pedro Mas y Reus in Alcudia, Mallorca (old photo)

Latest headlines

Alcudia budget passed despite claims of illegality

The opposition say that planned spending is contrary to the budgetary stability law.

Andrew Ede07/06/2024 09:42

There was no budget agreement last year in Calvia.

Town halls

Calvia budget approval expected this month

PSOE's minority administration has caused problems with budget-setting.

Majorca Daily Bulletin reporter14/02/2019 18:30

The investment for roads will not be made this year.


Balearics third to last for state investment

The national government's budget places the Balearics third last above only La Rioja and Navarre.

Majorca Daily Bulletin reporter05/04/2017 00:00

Cleaning at the Gesa building is one of the jobs.


Palma investing almost six million on jobs

PalmaActiva has, since the current administration took office, so far given a second opportunity to be employed to more than 300 people.

Majorca Daily Bulletin reporter18/11/2016 00:00

Marga Prohens, the Partido Popular's parliamentary spokesperson.


PP query Armengol motives for state of the community debate

The PP have also suggested that PSOE and Més have accepted Podemos "blackmail" over the issue of Daniel Bachiller, a leading figure with Podemos in the Balearics.

Majorca Daily Bulletin reporter19/09/2016 00:00