Palma residents angered by expansion of restaurant terraces

The opposition PSOE reckon that space has increased by up to 40%

Terraces in La Lonja. | Jaume Morey


The Palma federation of residents associations has requested an urgent meeting with the mayor, Jaime Martínez, because of increased spaces now being occupied by bar and restaurant terraces.

The town hall has modified regulations that affect eight parts of the city, the PSOE opposition reckoning that occupied space has increased by up to 40%. La Lonja and Passeig Born are among the areas affected.

The president of the federation, Maribel Alcázar, says that it was not informed and only found out about the expansion in the press.

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In Banc de l'Oli, where residents have been in conflict with one particular establishment for years, the president of the local residents association, Lluïsa Coves, says: "It seems incredible that the town hall has not consulted anyone."

Restaurant owners are meanwhile pleased with the town hall. The president of the CAEB Restaurants Association, Alfonso Robledo, says that under the previous regime, "there was an abusive and very aggressive reduction in space".

He adds: "Residents go to the bars, they are our customers. One or two more tables are not going to disturb people." Coves disagrees: "It's not the residents who go to these places; it's the tourists."

Francisco Ducrós of PSOE is insisting that the town hall's decision to expand the terrace space be withdrawn and that citizens are listened to. "It is crucial that municipal policies are oriented towards improving the quality of life of all residents and not just satisfying the interests of a few."