Etiqueta 'Bar restaurant terraces'
Terraces in La Lonja, Palma Mallorca

Terraces in La Lonja, Palma Mallorca

Terraces in La Lonja.

Jaume Morey 14/06/2024

Terraces in La Lonja, Palma Mallorca

Latest headlines

Palma residents angered by expansion of restaurant terraces

The federation of residents associations says that it was not informed of the expansion of terraces.

Andrew Ede14/06/2024 16:15

Terrace in Palma, Mallorca

Latest headlines

Palma being turned into a "mega-terrace"

The Partido Popular administration is accused of being permissive and of creating "chaos".

Andrew Ede03/05/2024 07:55

Terraces in the La Lonja area of Palma, Mallorca

Latest headlines

Palma's La Lonja terraces - residents versus restaurants

As well as the competing interests of residents and restaurants there are the political decisions.

Andrew Ede11/10/2023 07:58

Restaurant terrace in Spain

Restaurant terrace in Spain

100,000 qualified workers in hospitality are "missing".

Europa Press 23/10/2022

Restaurant terraces in Palma, Mallorca

Restaurant terraces in Palma, Mallorca

Terraces have to stay within limits stipulated in licences.

Miquel À. Cañellas 16/06/2022