British tourists will be flooding into Mallorca this weekend. | Majorca Daily Bulletin reporter


Mallorca is braced for an influx of British tourists this weekend according to ABTA. The Travel Association estimates that over two million British holidaymakers are heading overseas for summer holidays this weekend (26-29 July), which is the first to see all schools in the country on their summer break, with yesterday (Friday) expected to have been the busiest day of the weekend.

Spain remains the number one destination for families, in particular the Costa del Sol, the Balearic and Canary Islands. ABTA members are also reporting strong demand for Greece, Portugal, Turkey, Croatia, Italy, Malta and Cyprus. Longer haul, Florida and Dubai are popular choices. City breaks are also popular at this time of year with Amsterdam, Athens, Barcelona and Lisbon leading the way.

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Airports in the south east are expecting a very busy weekend with hundreds of thousands of passengers expected to depart from Heathrow and Gatwick, 200,000 from Stansted and 116,000 from Luton. 210,000 passengers are due to depart from Manchester airport, 75,000 from Bristol and although the Scottish schools are well into their summer holidays, many will still be leaving from Scottish airports this weekend.

Other regional airports, ports and the Channel Tunnel will also be extremely busy over the weekend.
Mark Tanzer ABTA Chief Executive said: “Thousands of families will be jetting off this weekend as the majority of schools in the UK start their summer break. After months of cloud and rain families will be particularly keen to enjoy the warmth and sunshine of their favourite overseas holiday destinations.

“As always at busy times of year, leave plenty of time to get to the air or ferry port and arrive at the time recommended by your airline or departure port. We’re also encouraging travellers to take the time to check the essentials are sorted for their holiday, including travel insurance.”
ABTA’s Travel Checklist sets out eight steps to help you prepare for your holiday.