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The new graffiti in Manacor, Mallorca.

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Outrage over “kill a tourist” graffiti in Mallorca

“This graffiti does not represent, in any case, the majority feeling of the residents of Manacor”.

Humphrey Carter30/07/2024 17:18

Spain can't afford to turn British tourists away.

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“We have had more than ten consecutive months with historic records in the Balearics thanks to a good tourist season."

Humphrey Carter27/07/2024 11:00

Rental vehicles and non residents could be hit with new taxes in Mallorca.

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Plan to slap new tax on rental vehicles and non residents in Mallorca

“These are positive proposals that can improve the lives of Mallorcans."

Humphrey Carter27/07/2024 10:23

The small bay in Deya is extremely popular.


Battle to get to famous Mallorca beach

Deya has a population of 700 and that balloons to 2,400, due to the number of hotel beds and holiday homes during the summer, and this has been going on for years.

Humphrey Carter18/07/2024 11:42

Another big protest is going to held in Palma this weekend.

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Global tourist industry calls for an end to anti tourism protests

"We need policies to ensure that travellers have the best possible experience".

Humphrey Carter15/07/2024 16:49