"It's been a very long week (...). We have been in Magalluf, but very bad, very bad. A very bad week. We are in Spain and they speak to us in a foreign language. It is a lack of respect that in Spain they speak to us in a foreign language."
These were the words of a Spanish tourist from Asturias when he was invited to comment on his stay in Mallorca by a reporter for the local broadcaster, IB3.
He added that he has no desire to return to the island because he and his family had been spoken to in a foreign language.
However, he didn't specify the offending language (or perhaps languages). As the stay was in Magalluf, an assumption is that he was referring to English. Or could it have been another language? Catalan maybe.
Responding to the IB3 broadcast, some people have commented that his words were an attack on Catalan. But others have pointed out that there isn't a great deal of Catalan spoken in Magalluf.
So - was it English?
Apolonia RiutortNo em vaig referir a ell com un "estranger sagnant". Estava utilitzant la definició anglesa de "estranger", que es defineix com "no anglès". Molts anglesos solen anar només on "no és estranger" (en la seva definició), el que significa un complex anglès, fins i tot quan és a Mallorca, que NO és anglès. I en aquest cas, qualsevol que hi visiti que no sigui anglès és un "estranger sagnant", com es refereixen als "estrangers" al seu país. Perquè mira al teu voltant, no hi ha més que gent anglesa, així que aquests "estrangers" haurien de tenir una mica de respecte i no esperar que tothom parli la seva llengua "estrangera". Tot i que no hi ha cap requisit perquè els anglesos parlin cap altre idioma. Comenceu a veure la ironia aquí? De fet, estic al teu costat. Dit això, i perquè sembles tan sensible pel que fa al tema de la llengua, i perquè el meu català és tan limitat, he fet servir el traductor de Google per convertir-ho al català. Només per ser respectuós. Ara, has acabat amb la teva indignació nacionalista, o seguiràs comportant-te com els estrangers que sembla menysprear?
Morgan WilliamsI think that’s what I said originally.
Morgan WilliamsSr Morgan, eso es una excusa de mal pagador. El que se quejaba era un Asturiano, y Vd se ha referido a el como un bloody forener. Mire, los huéspedes de nuestros establecimientos vienen a descansar y a pasarlo bien, no aprender idiomas. Lo único que desea nuestro personal es que el cliente sea educado, y en eso los ingleses se pasan, con su sorry, please y thank you. Asumo que Vd reside en las islas, entonces lo más normal hubiera sido que me hubiese contestado en mi lengua, la Balear, o solo sabe decir dues cerveses, per favor ?
What are you guys on about now? Berlin is amongst the most cosmopolitan melting pots in Germany. Probably the single most. Most Germans under 60yrs of age, wherever they come from, are pretty much fluent in English. Since WWII, Germany has become a top global trading nation, and English language is the by far most commonly spoken 2nd language on the planet - especially in trade. German is a rare language by comparison. And English is a required course in German schools. And if you listen closely, they tend to use American-like dialects, terminology and spelling. Do you know why? Anyway - it's not at all surprising that you'd hear English often spoken by Germans - especially in Berlin.
Well I stay around Mitte ,at Charlotte strasse . I was in a little bar . In walked a group of young uns . Late 20s early 30s . They sat on the bench and we started talking.. A couple of Dane’s , Germans and a Portuguese girl. All residents in Charlottenburg. You’re from Newcastle, we like sam fender. May be it’s the reference to Aldi in his song, But last year he did two nights at St James’s park .. 70k each night . Many from Europe. So the welcoming geordies don't object to tourists. And we don’t care what language you speak.. just come spend and behave and enjoy.
And all catalan commies are going nuts!!
David Holland'And the young uns are very keen on the Newcastle lad Sam fender .' I doubt that's the case in the areas of Berlin I go to.
Grow up. Sign of the times, anywhere in the world. Do I cry about not being able to order in Dutch in restaurants in Amsterdam? You see it everywhere if you bother to look.
Morgan WilliamsYou are wrong Morgan, it is "dos cervazas, and one for my mate, 'cos I don't know three".
Zoltan TeglasYou’ll be surprised. I was in a Xmas stall in Germain market last year. Two German lads having a discussion about the excess use of English in Berlin. Talking in English Go to the Palast the shows in German and English 50 50. It’s a very civilised city life in anything gos Berlin… And the young uns are very keen on the Newcastle lad Sam fender .