Tourists are coming but are they spending in resorts? | Majorca Daily Bulletin reporter


The Balearics received more than 2.5 million international passengers in July, 23% of the more than 11 million that arrived in Spain during the month, according to data published today, Monday by Turespaña. The region was among the six main destinations, which accounted for a 96.9% share of arrivals and all posted increases.

The largest increase was recorded by the Valencian Community with a year-on-year increase of 13.1% and the smallest, the Canary Islands with 7.4%, and the Balearics, with 4.7%. The data, together with the increase in international air travellers recorded in communities such as the Basque Country and Asturias, show a trend towards greater diversification of traveller destinations.

By markets, the United Kingdom, with 2.6 million international passengers, generated 23.2% of the total flow of arrivals to Spain in July, registering a year-on-year increase of 4.6%. The Balearic and Canary Islands together received 48% of the total number of passengers of British origin. 80.8% of British passengers travelled on a low-cost airline, with the United Kingdom being the leader in arrivals on these airlines, accounting for 30.3% of the total. In July, the year-on-year increases in British arrivals in the Valencian Community and Catalonia stood out, with more than 25,000 additional arrivals, and the year-on-year increase in the Basque Country of 22.3% for this month.

Meanwhile, passenger arrivals from Germany stood at 1.6 million in July (14% of the total), up 7.4% compared to July 2023. German travellers mainly went to the Balearics (48%). Italy accounted for 9.8% of the passenger flow received in July (just over one million passengers), registering a year-on-year growth of 13.8%, which particularly benefited Catalonia and the Community of Madrid. The other main Autonomous Communities received more Italian passengers than a year ago, except Cantabria. Among Italian travellers, the choice of low-cost airlines prevailed (81.2%) over traditional airlines.

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France accounted for 7.7% of the total number of passengers in July (867,678 travellers), an increase of 7.6% which particularly favoured Catalonia and the Balearics, which accounted for more than 45% of arrivals. Finally, 4.6% of all passengers arrived from the Netherlands. This market experienced a growth of 4.8% in July and its main destinations were Catalonia, Valencia and the Balearics, which together accounted for almost 58% of arrivals.

The growth of tourists from the Netherlands to Asturias stands out, 30% more than a year ago.
Of the 11.2 million international travellers who landed in Spain in July, 56.6% came from European Union countries, an increase of 9.7%, while the flow from the rest of the world, which accounted for the remaining 43.4%, increased by 7.2% year-on-year.

In the first seven months of the year, Spain has received 60.1 million international passengers, 12.4% more than in the same period of 2023, according to the Ministry of Industry and Tourism. In July, passengers to Spain from the main countries of origin increased, with a 38.2% increase from Poland, a 15.9% increase from the United States, and an 11.3% increase from the ‘other countries’.

The United Kingdom, with 2.6 million international passengers, generated 23.2% of the total flow of arrivals to Spain in July, with a year-on-year increase of 4.6%. The Balearic and Canary Islands together received 48% of the total number of passengers of British origin.