National Police arrest three youths for Mallorca bus stabbing

One of the suspects is the leader of a violent youth gang

One of the suspects being arrested by the National Police. | National Police


Palma National Police have arrested three youths, two of them minors, for stabbing another minor inside a bus as a result of a confrontation they had in the past with one of those involved as well being members of organised criminal gang. The incident dates back to the end of May, when a minor was on board a Palma bus with his partner.

At a given moment, the leader of a violent youth gang got on board, who, after seeing the victim, started a verbal confrontation, shoving each other but without going any further, separating and going to a different part of the bus. Subsequently, the leader phoned two members of the gang, who a few minutes later, when the bus made a stop, took the opportunity to get on.

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Once inside, an argument started with the victim, who was slapped by one of them. Another young member of the gang then took advantage of the confusion to stab the victim in the femoral biceps of his left leg with a knife, causing an incised wound that required hospital treatment.

Following numerous police enquiries, two of those involved were arrested, two of them being minors, who were placed at the disposal of the juvenile prosecutor’s office and admitted to a juvenile centre.
The investigation continued in order to identify the perpetrator of the stabbing, who turned out to be of age, and he was arrested yesterday. It is worth noting that at the time he was carrying the same knife as the one used to stab the victim among his belongings.

In Palma, a number of violent gangs have been dismantled by the National Police, such as the case of “Trinitarios” and “El Caserío 24/7”, in which the members and ringleaders were arrested, with the adults being sent to prison and the minors to a closed centre.