The Guardia Civil saved a baby's life in Mallorca. | Majorca Daily Bulletin reporter


The Guardia Civil has saved the life of a three-month-old baby in Arta (Mallorca) who was resuscitated after suffering a cardiorespiratory arrest. The incident, according to the Guardia Civil, occurred at 11.30 hours on Monday, when a patrol close to the Arta barracks, was approached by a woman who was carrying her three-month-old son in her arms.

She told the officers, evidently nervous, that her child had suddenly stopped breathing.
At that moment, one of the officers picked up the baby and could see that he had a bluish complexion, was not breathing, as well as a total lack of movement. The patrol rushed the mother and child to the Arta medical centre.

Once inside the vehicle, the officer carrying the baby began cardiopulmonary resuscitation manoeuvres, placing the infant on his arm face down and lightly patting him on his back, and then placing him on his back and performing two insufflations, covering his nose and mouth. During the manoeuvre, the officers asked the mother several questions in order to find out the causes of the obstruction of the airway, and she replied that her child was not ingesting any food or liquid, but was only lying on his back when she realised that he had stopped breathing.

During the course of the journey, the officer managed to free the newborn’s airway and he was able to breathe independently. However, the baby was kept face down in order to prevent further obstruction of the airway and his vital signs were monitored at all times. On arrival at the PAC, the officers requested the assistance of medical personnel who quickly proceeded to examine and monitor the baby’s vital signs, confirming that the newborn was out of danger.